Thursday, October 16, 2014

Creating ECM integration products

I am so excited, I can no longer hold it in!

You may wonder what I've been up to these last few months.
I haven't written a blog in a while because I've been involved in a big project.
At InformedConsulting we're not just advising our clients and implementing ECM systems any more; we're building our own products. We feel this is a great way to showcase our expertise and to help our customers to get value from their information more quickly.

I've been handed the job of Product Manager for our first product. It will enable an easy way to integrate a Documentum system with Office365. We're the first in the world to do a trick like this and we're very proud of how it is turning out. The official release is near, so I can blog more details about what it does soon.

As a product manager I had the challenge of organizing the design, engineering, testing and marketing for the product, involving an ever changing team of almost everyone in the company, including both directors. I introduced an Agile way of working, which helped a lot. We use User Stories and Sprints as the base for our engineering, a Plan Board for our marketing and Retrospective sessions to improve our way of working. We managed to take a lot of chaos and red tape and turn that into focused activities that add value to our product.

I'm very proud of everyone involved!
I hope this is the first of many more products to follow.

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